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Christian A. Drye (See Drye) was born in Lincoln Heights, OH where he lived until 4th grade and moved to the inner city of Winton Terrace in Cincinnati. He attended Western Hills Design Technology High School for two years and transferred to the home of the Vikings, Princeton High School. It was that move to Princeton High School that opened his eyes and created a desire in him to want to become a better person. As a result, he began to work diligent academically and creatively in this new school environment. Having to deal with issues of peer pressure, family problems and neighborhood violence, as any other teen may have - he saw college as an opportunity to get away.
Upon graduation from Princeton High School in 2007, Christian went on to Central State University, one of the nation’s most storied HBCUs, where he obtained a B.S. in Education. During his time at CSU as an engaged and active student, he recognized his life's purpose. He learned that he was meant to help support and mentor young people. Therefore, since 2007, Christian has worked with thousands of students helping to shape them into well-rounded individuals ready to take on the world without apologizing for who they are or where they come from. He credits his mentors such as Wayne Knox and Brian Dickens for always insisting that he give his all. It is that very example and expectations he learned from them that encourages him to never give up on our youth.
Currently, See Drye is a teaching and traveling visual artist who focuses on the paint medium, along with his ongoing duty to mentor. As a 35 year old proud Black man, he recognizes his duty to use his influence properly and show our children their capacity to excel no matter where they live or their difficult circumstances they may face. He is committed to working in communities because he understands that it is this work that breathes life into the notion of: Black Lives Do In Fact Matter. He understands that hashtags and pics with fists held high are not enough to create the change that See Drye has dedicated his life to creating through art and education.